The Basics of the Financial Incentive Visiting Candidate Program
• The Financial Incentive Visiting Candidate Program (FI-VCP) is an exciting collaboration between the IPA and IPSO. It is currently in the pilot stage which will allow us to explore and refine the opportunities it offers
• The FI-VCP can last between two (2) and four (4) weeks at a host institute. The IPA, FEPAL, EPF, and a private Asian donor have raised funds to assist with travel costs and additional expenditures of up to $1,000. This amount may vary depending on the available budget, which changes every year
• Candidates must meet all FI-VCP eligibility requirements, plus timely submit copies of all receipts by the program deadlines, in order to be eligible for reimbursement of allowed expenses
• Candidates wishing to apply for the FI-VCP will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis, based on date and time of receipt of application. Applicants will be equitably distributed between the three IPA Regions: Latin America, Europe, North America, and Asia. Candidate eligibility requires that completed applications be approved by the host institute
• The candidate is personally responsible for fulfilling their visa, medical coverage, and administrative requirements of the host country and/or host institute
• The FI-VCP can only take place inter-regionally
IPSO’s Commitment
• IPSO will match candidates with institutes that agree to accept a visiting candidate
• IPSO commits itself to organize the FI-VCP through candidate selection and recruitment from institutes
• If requested, IPSO will endeavor to provide lodging in a candidate’s home through its members via an esprit de corps. Please note, host candidate members are encouraged but not required to provide this accommodation
The Commitment of Training Institutes
• Societies and institutes are invited to be part of the FI-VCP, and may accept or decline participation as they deem appropriate. The participating institute to which a visiting candidate belongs, must be willing to accept a visiting candidate
• If an institute accepts a visiting candidate, it should endeavor to make all student classes and programs available, but must be able to organize a reasonably full and meaningful schedule for the visit
• The host institute in collaboration with the Education Committee, will designate an advisor for the visiting candidate. The advisor will design the specifics of the program with the candidate, and oversee the satisfactory completion of the program
• The host institute will provide two hours of supervision/consultation pro bono to the visiting candidate, all negotiated with the advisor once the visit is confirmed
• If requested, the candidates at the host institute will endeavor to provide the candidate with a homestay via an esprit de corps. Please note, host candidate members are encouraged but not required to provide this accommodation
• If possible, the candidate will be allowed to participate in some of the extra-curricular activities
• Upon completion of the FI-VCP, the advisor at the host institute will send the IPSO Regional Vice-President Elect, and the IPSO President Elect, a short note confirming that the candidate satisfactorily completed the FI-VCP
• Within six (6) months of completion of the FI-VCP, the home institute to which the candidate belongs should provide space wherein, upon return, the candidate can make a presentation about their experience
The Candidate
• Must be an IPSO member
• Cannot be an IPSO Executive Committee member
• Must be in their second year or higher of training
• Should submit their application six (6) months prior to the planned FI-VCP and no later than three (3) months prior
• Must speak the language of the country to which they will travel, or English, if classes are conducted in English
• Should present a clinical case to be discussed among the candidates at the host institute, and supervised by a member of the host society as agreed by the host institute
• Is expected to fully participate in any and all class expectations including, but not limited to, the following: reading assignments, seminars, conferences and congresses as proposed by the host institute
To Apply for the FI-VCP
• The candidate must submit their application form via email to their IPSO Regional Vice-President Elect, and the IPSO President Elect
• The application form must include a Letter of Good Standing from the candidate’s home institute that attests that the candidate is in good standing in their training program at the time of application
• The candidate must also send a CV and a VCP Statement as a part of their application form
• The CV should include the candidate’s activities involving scientific, institutional and clinical meetings, and publications in local, regional and international congresses and events
• The VCP Statement should be a brief description of specific learning goals. Candidates are encouraged to include some personal experiences and/or other thoughts related to their experiences surrounding the FI-VCP
Upon Completion of the FI-VCP – Read Carefully
• The candidate must send a VCP Report, following the VCP Report Guidelines, within 45 days of having completed the FI-VCP, to both their Regional IPSO Vice-President Elect, and the IPSO President Elect
• The advisor of the host institute must submit the note of satisfactory completion
• These documents plus copies of all travel receipts must be received and approved within 45 days of the candidate having finished the FI-VCP, in order for the IPA-IPSO to retroactively reimburse travel expenses and disburse the weekly allowance
• After everything is approved, IPSO will send the candidate and the candidate’s institute director, a Certificate of Completed VCP
• IPSO encourages the candidate and their institute director, to schedule a time and place for the candidate to present the VCP Report to the candidates at their home institute within six (6) months of completion of the FI-VCP
The Cross Regional Support Program
• If the candidate is planning their VCP to coincide with a meeting/congress/conference in which they have an active role as a presenter, panelist, or discussant, the candidate may apply for the IPSO Cross Regional Support Program (CRESP)
• CRESP is funded by the IPA and IPSO, has ten (10) available slots per year, and will reimburse the cost of registration for the meeting/congress/conference
• The CRESP application steps include the following: The candidate must send an email to their IPSO Regional Vice-President Elect stating: a) the candidate’s request for CRESP funding, b) the name of the meeting, c) the cost of registration, d) the candidate’s role in the meeting